Complete Way for Lose Weight On Crutches (Break A Bone )
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Often people ask can they will lose weight when they break a bone or are on crutches after an injury. This is a complex question because it usually depends on the person’s break or injury severity. Yet, it is possible to lose weight after breaking a bone or while using crutches.
If you want to lose weight through routine exercise, you can regardless of a broken bone or if you’re on crutches. Yet, it will be more difficult, and you will need to pay more attention to your diet and what you choose to consume. After all, weight loss isn’t only about exercise: your diet is just as important.
Continue reading to learn more about the basic principles of weight loss, the eating tips you should follow, and why you shouldn’t give up on exercise.
Balancing Act (Diet and Consumption)

A fine balancing act between diet and consumption can affect your chances of losing weight with a broken bone that requires you to use crutches. Below we have gone into detail surrounding the basic principles of weight loss.
We have done this so that you know how you can still lose weight while using crutches for an injury. You will also find information about common weight loss questions.
How Many Calories Do Different People Need And Consume Daily
Knowing how many calories people need to consume daily will help you know how much weight you could lose. This is true even if you have a broken bone or are using crutches.
According to the notable 2015 to 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, men should consume 2,000 to 3,000 calories daily. In contrast, women should eat between 1,600 to 2,400 calories daily. Yet these calorie estimates will vary based on size, age, lifestyle, height, health, and activity level.
For example, you should eat less if you live a sedentary lifestyle. This is when compared to a very active person. Also, the older you become, the slower your metabolic rates. This means you have a reduced need for energy and thus should consume less. This will apply whether you use crutches or not.
How Many Calories Does It Take To Consume One Kilogram?
So how many calories exactly does it take to consume one kilogram? This is a critical question because if you have broken a bone, you don’t want to gain weight while you heal. This is because it will add stress to your joints and muscles. The same goes for crutches.
Essentially, there are 7,700 calories in one kilogram of fat. This means that if you consume 7,700 calories, you will gain 1kg of weight.
That’s why it’s important to burn as many calories as you can (within reason) to lose weight. Or eat as much as needed to maintain a healthy weight with a bone break or while using crutches.
Calories And Calorie Conversions

To determine how many calories you’re consuming, you need to know how to do a calorie conversion. Yet, first, you need to know that calories are a measure of energy. This means that they refer to the amount of energy you will get when consuming foods and beverages.
They also refer to the amount of energy you burn when you exercise. Knowing how to do a calorie conversion will help you lose weight if you’re using crutches.
You will need to convert kJ into calories or vice versus to determine how many you’re consuming.
One calorie (kcal) equals 4.184 joules (J). So if you want to convert from calories to kJ, you will multiply calories by 4.18. Should you want to convert kJ into calories, you will divide by 4.18.
For example, a large apple has 100 calories (kcal) or 418 kJ.
Creating A Reasonable Eating Gap
Recently, studies have determined that when we eat is almost as important as what we eat. This is concerning optimizing your body composition. It’s believed that calories are used the best by your body when there is a strong demand for them in your body.
Now we know this can be confusing, but it’s simple. The time when your body is least likely to store calories as fat and more likely to turn them into energy is in the mornings. That’s why eating a more calorie-dense breakfast is better than a high-calorie dinner.
In fact, a study has shown that those who often skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who eat breakfasts. Also, eating smaller meals between 5 to 6 times throughout the day better suits a person’s energy needs and food intake.
Thus, those who have a broken bone or who use crutches and want to lose weight should space out their meals. You should ideally eat many small meals with gaps of time between. You should also eat a heavier breakfast and lighter lunch and dinner if you want to lose weight.
Healthy Weight Loss Speed
You mustn’t lose too much weight too quickly as this can lead to you regaining it. Most healthcare experts recommend that an average person lose one to two pounds weekly. Losing this much will help you maintain your body’s weight loss for longer. This is especially true if you use crutches.
Yet, you should remember that one pound is equal to 0.45 kilograms and that this equates to 3,500 calories. This means that, on average, you will need to burn about 500 more calories than you consume daily to lose a pound a week.
Eating Tips
Now that you know more about diet and consumption, we can discuss a few eating tips you need to follow. These tips will help you to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight while you have a broken bone or are using crutches.
Chew Your Food Thoroughly And Slowly
Chewing your food thoroughly and slowly will ensure you become fuller quicker. This way, you won’t overeat, and you will better manage your calorie intake.
After all, you need to eat the amount that ensures you won’t gain but rather lose weight. As we said earlier, splitting your meals is also best.
Use Smaller Plates
The mind is powerful, but you can trick it when trying to lose weight with an injury and have less mobility.
One of the easiest tricks is believing you’re eating a normal amount by switching your large plates for small plates. This method is best for reducing portions and limiting unnecessary calories.
Eat Protein At Every Meal

Did you know that eating protein at every meal will help you prevent muscle loss and repair skin and muscle?
Since having a broken bone or using crutches can lead to inactivity, you must eat enough protein. Protein will help you heal while helping you function.
Store Unhealthy Foods Out Of Sight
If you want to ensure you don’t reach for unhealthy snacks and food, it’s best to store all unhealthy food out of sight.
Better yet, replace all your unhealthy snacks and food with healthier meal options. Some healthy options like protein bars, fruits, dark chocolate, and low-carb meals.
Drink Water Regularly
Drinking enough water is important to losing weight regardless of if you have a bone break or are on crutches. This is because water helps with the metabolic process in your body.
Additionally, you could become dehydrated if you don’t drink enough water. This can trick your body into thinking it is hungry when you’re thirsty. So make sure you drink recommended daily water amount.
Fill Up On Fiber
Consuming a high-fiber diet will help keep you regular, which will help with weight loss. Since you’re more likely to be less mobile with a broken bone or while on crutches, you should stock up on fiber.
This means you must stock up on fiber-rich foods. Foods like olives, hummus, carrots, chickpeas, lentils, almonds, and walnuts.
Try To Keep Active

It’s much harder to stay active when you have broken a bone or are using crutches. Yet, you need to try if you want to lose weight or stay healthy and mobile.
If you use crutches, you could burn more calories than those who don’t. This is because using crutches to walk is a strenuous activity. Thus you will burn more calories than a person who walks normally.
Keep A Food Diary
If you make yourself accountable, you will have a better chance of losing weight. Certainly, one of the best ways to stay accountable is to keep a food diary.
A food diary can note what you eat, when, and how much you eat. This’ll allow you to track your calorie intake and determine if you’re eating too much.
Focus On Eating When Eating
Don’t watch TV while you’re eating. It’s best to focus on eating when you’re eating so that you don’t consume more than you should. Many people eat more than they should while busy with a different activity.
Don't Give Up On Exercise
Should you have a broken bone or are using crutches and want to lose weight, you should not give up on exercise. Yet you do need to talk to your doctor about what exercises you can do.
Luckily, there are many exercises you can do. This is the case even if you’re healing from a broken bone or using crutches for an injury. Your doctor can tell you the exercises best suited to your needs. This will not only help you lose weight but also benefit your mental well-being.
For example, if you’re on crutches and are non-weight-bearing, you could try to walk in fits and spurts. This means you walk for a minute and then take a 30-second break. Besides this, there are a few other things you could try in the realm of exercise. Have a look at your options below.
Weights At Home For Arms Or Legs
It’s not the case for everyone, but you could be able to use weights at home to exercise. Using weights will help you keep your muscles toned and will help you maintain or lose weight. Yet, it’s important not to lift more than you can handle as this could worsen an injury.
Water-based exercise

The best exercises for those on crutches or who have a broken limb are those that can be done in the water. Should your doctor say it’s fine and you have a cast, you can cover it with a waterproof item to keep it dry. A waterproof cover will also allow you to swim and exercise to burn calories and lose weight.
The best part about working out in the water is that the buoyancy will help support your weight. This will allow you to be more mobile than on land. Additionally, water exercise has other benefits like increasing blood circulation and decreasing inflammation.
If your doctor thinks it is okay, one of the best things you can do to exercise is going to physiotherapy. By going to physiotherapy, you can recover faster and better.
This is because your physiotherapist will help you restore your flexibility and mobility. These are crucial if you have a broken bone or are on crutches. Also, doing physiotherapy will help you burn a few calories. This can help you lose weight or maintain your current weight while toning.
Final Word
You can lose weight if you have a broken bone or are using crutches. Yet, it is usually more difficult because you will have less mobility. It’s also harder because you cannot do the usual exercises that able-bodied people can do.
Additionally, those with a broken bone that is healing or those on crutches also need to be careful about what they eat. How many calories you consume can significantly impact your chances of losing or maintaining a healthy weight.