

An Avulsion Fracture Of The Ankle Guide

An Avulsion Fracture Of The Ankle Guide: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Surgery, And Recovery

Not every ankle injury is easy to identify, and most are painful. Most of us aren’t doctors, so we don’t know about avulsion fractures of the your ankle. We don’t know the symptoms, causes, recovery time, and treatment options available. Do you have a sore ankle and not know if your injury is serious? If so, you should read this guide on ankle avulsion fracture. 

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    What Is Ankle Avulsion Fracture?


    Ankle avulsion fractures are also commonly known as sprain fractures. They occur when a fragment of bone is pulled away at the tendinous or ligamentous attachment. 

    Although it can happen in several places on the human body, it often occurs at the ankle. 

    The avulsion fracture usually happens at the lateral aspect of the medial malleolus. This is the inner side of a person’s ankle at the lower end of their tibia. Sometimes an avulsion fracture of ankle will occur near the lateral malleolus. This is outside the ankle by the fibula or by the talus. 

    What Causes Avulsion Fractures Of Ankle ?

    You might think an ankle avulsion fractureis like a regular ankle stress fracture, but this isn’t the case. A stress fracture will occur when you take part in repetitive impact-inducing motions. Instead, your ankle avulsion fracture occurs when you perform a sudden movement. 

    Avulsion fractures are also caused when you suddenly change direction. This usually twists the ankle causing injury. 

    The Groups Prone To Experiencing The Ankle Avulsion Fracture

    Anyone can experience an avulsion fracture of ankle. Yet, the injury does occur more often in certain groups of people. Below we have mentioned who is most likely to experience an ankle avulsion fracture and why.

    Children: Most at risk of experiencing the ankle avulsion fracture are children. This is because a child’s tendons and ligaments pull against their bones they are a part of while a child grows. Until a child has grown into an adult, they are more likely to suffer an avulsion ankle fracture. Usually, when participating in sports.

    Athletes: Sometimes, athletes will experience avulsion fracture of the ankle. Often when participating in high-impact sports that are fast-paced. This is because some athletes place more pressure on their tendons than their bones. 

    Dancers: Often, dancers are more likely to experience avulsion fractures of the ankle. People who dance take part in vigorous and energetic movements. These movements cause pressure on their ankles and thus injuries. 


    How To Determine If You Have An Ankle Avulsion Fracture?

    It can be challenging to determine if you have the avulsion fracture of your ankle. Luckily there are some common symptoms that will help you identify if you have this injury. 

    • A sudden strong feeling of ankle pain.


    • A feeling of numbness or a tingling sensation around the ankle.


    • Minor to severe pain when you try to move the ankle.


    • A feeling of joint instability or total loss of function.


    • Minor to severe swelling and bruising.

    You should note that these symptoms are only a guide. You will need to seek medical attention for this type of injury. A doctor will examine your ankle. Usually, your doctor will get you to try and bend and straighten your ankle. By doing this, they can see if it is an avulsion fracture or a sprain.

    Usually, an examination will be enough for a doctor to diagnose if you have an avulsion fracture. Yet, if they cannot diagnose your injury, they will perform tests that might include an X-Ray. 

    Suppose you feel that you have an avulsion fracture, you need to communicate this with your doctor. If a doctor treats your injury wrong, you could suffer nerve damage. This could lead to long-term difficulties with mobility. 

    Treatment And Recovery Time For An Ankle Avulsion Fracture

    worldcrutches-first-aid-for For An Ankle Avulsion Fracture

    Often the treatment of an avulsion fracture of the ankle is not tricky. The first step is to administer simple first aid to the injury. After you have done this, you should consider seeking medical attention.

    Based on what your doctor tells you, you might need to take your treatment one step further. This could mean you need to have a surgical operation.

    Immediate First Aid Treatment - New Ankle Avulsion Fracture

    You will need to use the RICE first aid method when you have a new ankle avulsion fracture. Yet, before you do this, you will need to immediately stop what you are doing and take the weight off your ankle. You should then check if you have any other visible injuries. If you feel the fracture is bad, you should place your ankle in a splint. 

    • Rest: To reduce the pain you are feeling and ensure your injury does not worsen, you need to rest. Make sure you don’t put any of weight on the fracture and limit how much walking you do.


    • Ice: To reduce swelling, you should use an ice pack. It does not need to be a medical ice pack, as you can use a frozen bag of vegetables from the freezer. Yet, make sure you don’t apply the ice pack for more than 15 to 20 minutes three times daily.
    worldcrutches--apply-ice-to-Ankle Avulsion Fracture
    • Compression: Another way to reduce the swelling of your ankle is to apply compression. You can use a compression bandage or a compression brace. The compression will place pressure on your bone. This will reduce the swelling around your ankle.

    • Elevation: One of the most crucial steps you can take to reduce the pain and swelling is to elevate the injury. You need to elevate your ankle and place it above your heart. Prop your ankle up with pillows or lie on the floor with your ankle placed on a higher surface. 

    Medical Treatment

    The medical treatment you get for an avulsion fracture of the ankle will depend on your doctor. Yet, there are a few common treatments your doctor might prescribe. 

    • Medicine: To reduce pain and swelling, your doctor will likely prescribe medication. Usually, they will give you anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen.
    • Rest: Often, a doctor will prescribe rest even if you don’t need a fracture to be set or surgery. When a doctor prescribes rest, they likely want you to use a mobility aid.
    • Movement: To ensure there is no movement, a doctor will prescribe a splint or cast. Sometimes they will want you to wear a walking boot to stop the avulsion fracture from moving.
    • Exercises: Usually, a doctor will want you to exercise your ankle once it has had some time to heal. They will get you to perform specific ankle exercises that improve your ankle’s mobility. These exercises will also strengthen the injured area. 

    Surgical Treatment

    If the traditional recovery methods don’t work or your injury is too severe, you might need surgery. Often a person only needs surgery when the fracture has pulled too far away from the bone. A bone that is stretching too far away does not fuse naturally. 

    Yet, how are these severe avulsion fracture cases treated? A form of open reduction internal fixation surgery is the answer. Often this type of surgery will involve steel wires, sutures, screws, and tension bands. These medical tools work as anchors. They provide stability to the fractured bone allowing it to fuse and heal.

    How Long Does It Typically Take For An Avulsion Ankle Fracture To Heal?


    How long it takes for your avulsion ankle fracture to heal will depend on how severe it is. It will also depend on if you’re following the treatment plan your doctor prescribed. 

    Usually, a typical avulsion fracture will take between three to twelve weeks to heal. But, if you wear a medical boot or have the ankle in a cast, your recovery time should be between six to eight weeks. 

    Factors that Affect Healing Time

    You need to know two critical factors that affect the healing time of your avulsion fracture.

    • Being Diabetic: Diabetics can have a harder time healing avulsion fractures. Usually, this happens if they use the wrong mobility aids. People with diabetes should wear specific healing boots that cater to them.


    • Smoking: Some studies point to smoking prolonging a fracture healing time. In some instances, smoking can even cause your fracture to stop healing altogether. You should consider slowing down or quitting while your injury heals if you smoke.
    worldcrutches-smoking prolonging a fracture healing time

    The Mobility Devices Used For The Recovery Of Avulsion Fractures of The Ankle

    Do you have an ankle avulsion fracture? Using a mobility device can help you manage pain and recover quicker. These devices will help you walk without further injuring yourself. Below, we have mentioned the three best mobility devices. You should consider using them when you have a fractured ankle. 

    Hands-Free Crutch

    A hands-free crutch is a device that allows you to keep your injured ankle off the ground. With this device, you place your knee on a platform and secure it. 

    Usually, there is a strut on top of a prosthetic foot with a curved sole. The design of a hands-free crutch is ergonomic, so it helps you have a smooth walking gait. 

    Traditional Crutches

    Should you have an avulsion fracture of the ankle, you can use a set of traditional crutches. Although these crutches do work, they have some side effects associated with them.

    People with ankle fractures who use traditional crutches will ease their ankle pain.

    Tthey will sometimes experience pain elsewhere. Standard crutches can also be cumbersome and difficult to use. That’s why it’s crucial to get a set that is comfortable to use with the right height and weight ratings. 

    A Knee Scooter

    If you don’t want to have to walk with your fractured ankle while it heals, you can make use of a knee scooter. These mobility devices are convenient. Especially if you don’t want to experience pain anywhere else in your body while you recover. 

    With a knee scooter, you will bend your knee at a 90-degree angle and place it on a platform. This platform is on top of a frame that has wheels. These aids come with handlebars, so it is easy to steer them to get to where you need to be. 

    Final Words

    It can be hard for some to differentiate between a fracture of the ankle and a typical ankle sprain. Yet, now you know the symptoms, causes, and treatment options. You are also aware of recovery times associated with an avulsion fracture of your ankle. 

    With this information, you can identify if you have an avulsion fracture. You will also know how to treat it yourself and what to expect when you seek medical attention. 

    Unfortunately, severe avulsion fractures sometimes need surgery. That’s why you must see a doctor. They can administer the proper treatment you need to ensure your injury heals.


    Do I Need Crutches?

    Do I Need Crutches ?

    Have you recently hurt yourself? Are you suffering from a painful or somewhat debilitating injury or illness? Is it affecting your mobility? If the answer is a solid yes to these questions, consider asking yourself a question. “Do I need crutches?” This helpful article will explain when you should think about using crutches.

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      When Exactly Do You Need Crutches?


      The biggest question those with injuries or illnesses ask is if they should use crutches. It can be hard to determine if a medical mobility device like crutches will help you recover. Usually, using this medical device will depend on the injury you have.

      Essentially crutches are used by people who need to keep weight off of an injured leg or foot. There are many different kinds of crutches. Yet, people with foot or leg injuries usually use non-weight-bearing crutches.

      What Injuries Need You To Use Crutches?

      Below we have shown a few of the injuries that often need non-weight-bearing crutches. By using crutches in the short or long term, you will heal faster and ease the mobility issues you are facing.

      However, before deciding, you should consider speaking to your doctor. Some people with lower-body injuries shouldn’t use crutches.

      Broken Ankles

      One of the most frequently used crutches situation is broken ankles. In most instances, if you have a broken ankle, you will need to use more than one medical mobility aid.

      This means you could need to use aids. Aids such as moon boots, crutches, splints, and casts simultaneously. For a broken ankle injury, you can expect to use crutches for around six to ten weeks. 

      Forefoot Fractures

      Forefoot fractures are also called metatarsal fractures. They are injuries that don’t often need surgery but do need mobility aids to heal. If you have a forefoot fracture, you need to keep your weight off of it if you want it to heal.

      This type of injury will have a varied healing time as it will depend on its seriousness. On average, a forefoot fracture can heal in a few weeks if you use crutches. 

      Stress Fractures

      If you are suffering from a painful stress fracture, you are likely in pain. Most stress fracture injuries happen when a leg bone incurs repeated force. It  takes time to diagnose a stress fracture because these injuries can be complex. Yet, they are not too hard to treat.

      Using crutches will let you keep your weight off your stress fracture. This will enable you to heal faster. Most stress fracture injuries take six to eight weeks to heal.

      Tibia Fractures

      Tibia fractures are one of the most complicated leg injuries a person can sustain. You can fracture your tibia in many different ways. If you have an oblique, comminuted, spiral, or stable fracture, you are going to need crutches to heal fast.

      Unfortunately, tibia fractures take a while to heal. So you may need to use crutches for four to six months, if not longer, if you want a speedier recovery.

      Pulled Muscles

      Another common injury that requires you to use crutches is pulled muscles. Pulled muscles are comparable to muscle strain injuries. They can vary in severity from minor to severe.

      Fortunately, these types of injuries heal fairly quick if diagnosed early. You can recover from minor pulled muscles in three to six weeks. 

      Sprained Ankles

      worldcrutches sprained ankle

      We spoke of broken ankles before. Yet another injury associated with your ankle also requires you to use crutches. Using crutches will help sprained ankles heal faster. Sprained ankles usually occur when the ligaments in your ankle are strained.

      Luckily sprained ankles don’t have a long recovery time and usually heal within one to three weeks.

      ACL Injuries

      Your anterior cruciate ligament is a specific band of tissue. This ligament connects your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia). Do you have an ACL tear, either partial or complete? If so, it’s likely to be one of the most painful injuries you will experience.

      With this injury, your knee will swell up and cause you to be unable to move. How long your ACL injury takes to heal will depend on how severe you tore it.

      In most instances, if surgery is required, you will need to use crutches for six to nine months. Crutches will help the ACL injury heal completely.

      Hip Dislocations

      For most people, it will take a significant force for a hip to dislocate. Often a hip dislocation occurs in severe falls and car accidents. When a hip is dislocated, your femoral head is pushed either forward or backward out of the socket.

      After you have suffered a hip dislocation injury, there are different treatment options. They could include surgery and the use of mobility aid like crutches.You will need to use these aids for two to three months while you recover.

      Achilles Tendon Ruptures

      An Achilles tendon injury occurs at the back of your heel and will cause you to walk flat-footed. This injury occurs if you have placed a sudden force on your foot or ankle. Depending on how badly you have ruptured the Achilles tendon in your foot, you may have to have surgery.

      To promote healing, most doctors will advise you to use crutches. Achilles tendon ruptures can take between four months and a year to totally heal.

      Do Crutches Help With Pain?

      Crutches are one of the best mobility aids you can use if you are experiencing pain. In particular, crutches are handy for lower-body injuries and illnesses that reduce mobility. 

      When you use crutches, you reduce the amount of pressure felt on your body’s nerves and the lower parts of your body. Additionally, properly adjusted crutches will also reduce pain in other areas. Areas such as your upper arms, underarms, and wrists. 

      Crutches will also help prevent you from feeling pain from standing for long periods. Below we have listed the types of pain that crutches help alleviate.

      Can Doctors Prescribe Crutches?


      Before you buy crutches for your injury or illness, you should consult a doctor. A doctor can prescribe you crutches. However, they will first look at the criteria surrounding your injury or illness. One of the factors they will consider is if crutches will reduce your mobility issues or worsen them.

      Sometimes a doctor may decide that a different type of mobility aid would better suit you. Have you experienced one of the injuries we have discussed? If so, you will likely find that your doctor will prescribe crutches. By using crutches, you will heal faster and manage any pain you could be experiencing better.

      Final Words

      Whether to use crutches or not will depend on your needs, injury, and illness. It will also depend on your preference and doctor’s advice.

      Ultimately, first, speak with your doctor about your injury or illness. If they have suggested you use a mobility aid, crutches could be ideal. Crutches will aid the healing of your injury faster and help manage the pain you experience.


      New Crutch Designs

      Top 4 New Crutch Designs

      Why do we need a new crutch design? Do crutches only carry the body’s weight after an accident or surgery? Yes, that may be true. But, innovative design in mobility aids helps to give patients greater freedom. 

      Crutches designs help in supporting body movement. But also, they should ease body aches and increase comfort. That’s what reinvented crutches do. So let’s explore some new crutch designs and brands. 

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        M+D Crutches Story

        Emile Schlick made the first commercial crutches in 1917. And it was due to injuries suffered by World War I returnee soldiers. Then, A.R Lofstrand Jr. made customized height-adjustable crutches a reality in 1945. 

        I suppose their expedition served as a springboard for reinvented crutches. Finally, Max established the M+D crutches. But he got inspiration from seeing his father struggle with underarm crutches. His dad was an above-the-knee amputee. Max’s dad suffered from severe pain using underarm crutches. It resulted in damage to the nerves around the hands.

        M+D crutch is a collaborative effort of Max and his wife, Lillian. They teamed up with occupational and physical therapists to produce innovative and adjustable crutches. Also, he acquired a studio space for their invention.

        Max Younger and his team developed between 1,200 to 1,500 prototype crutch designs. Finally, they created crutches that support the forearms and elbows to reduce bodyweight. 

        Mobility Designed LLC finally came into existence in 2015. Lillian Younger was the first Co-founder & CEO. She was to help drive the marketing of the mobility crutches.

        About M+D Crutches Technological Innovations

        Every aspect of the M+D crutches is an innovative improvement from the regular crutches. For example, it uses adjustable heights suitable for people 4″11 to 6″8 feet tall. Also, the offset handle eases the pains around the wrist and arm. 

        It comes with an un-lockable arm cradle with hinges. That makes it easy to move your hands while the crutch is still on. So, you can lock your arms in prayers. You could have a handshake or hug with ease. Thanks to the rotating ergonomic handgrip and push-button, you can move around hands-free.

        M+D crutches come with an armband and anti-microbial fabric. The armband makes it easy to slot your hand in and out of the crutches. Unfortunately, you could still experience irritation wearing it for a long time.


        Thomas Fetterman Forearm Crutches Brand Story

        In 1953, Thomas Fetterman suffered from polio as a toddler. He grew up as an aggressive kid due to his disability. Yet, he was able to strike a balance as he became older.

        Fetterman had to live most of his early life walking with under-arm crutches. And that hurt his shoulder and affected his upper body immensely. Finally, he experienced so much pain and had to live on Aspirin.

        Thomas Fetterman’s pain became an inspiration. Hence, he developed one of the world’s most famous crutch tips. He found out that certain types of rubber under the crutches will bounce. That action, unfortunately, is enough to cause a strain on the shoulder. 

        Thus, he went into series of research to improve the crutches tip. Thomas came up with the negligible rebound. He added an absorbolite material under the crutch’s tip. That helped to reduce the impact on the shoulder and wrist. And that’s how he got two patent rights for the crutches’ tip.

        Ex-President Bill Clinton had a fall while golfing. So, the White House medical units ordered Fetterman’s crutches. Then, the President on television referred to the crutches. That helped to boost Fetterman’s sales. The crutches have sold hundreds of thousands of more advanced crutches afterward.

        Thomas Fetterman Crutches Technological Innovations

        Thomas Fetterman carried out an impressive improvement to the regular crutches. Conventional crutches do fall off the arm with ease. But he extended the cuffs further. So, even when lift hands, the crutches stay in place. 

        Fetterman laid the absorbolite material at the base of the crutch’s tip. Next, he created a hollow part to pour gel into the bottom of the crutches. So, the gel within the concave part serves as a springboard. Thus, while walking, the pressure bounces off instead of impacting the shoulder.

        Thomas Fetterman’s advanced tip designs had more remarkable sturdiness. But, it’s not the same story for the conventional tips. They can cause slips on some surfaces. 


        iWalk 3.0 Forearm Crutches Brand Story

        Lance started as a farmer in Ontario, Canada, over two and a half decades ago. But he had a terrible incidence that resulted in a broken foot. Now, life became a bit unbearable walking around on conventional crushes.

        Lance says, “crutches were tremendously impractical, ridiculous and uncomfortable.” But, as the saying goes, “beauty in adversity.” Lance’s adversity became a stepping stone to something incredible.

        He decided to put his skills as a carpenter to good use. Within an hour, Lance had constructed an alternative crutch out of wood. That wooden invention finally gave birth to the first iWalkFree prototype.


         Lance’s wooden crutches made moving of no burden to his arms or hands. He became excited! Now, he could go back to his regular activities with minor restrictions.

        The wooden crutch was a personal invention. But it didn’t take long to attract the attention of medical personnel. Finally, orthopedics at the Sunnybrook Health Science Center, Toronto, suggested a prototype clinical trial. By 1999, Lance and the research center got patent rights for the iWalkFree.

        iWalkFRee got the Medical Device Establishment License in 1999. So, the Minister of Health declared iWalkFree a Class 1 medical device. On June 2,000, iWalkFree became available to Canadian Consumers. Today, it has US FDA and Certification in Europe (CE) approvals.

        iWalk Crutches Technological Innovations

        The iWalk 3.0 Hands-free crutch is an impressive alternative crutch. It leaves you one hundred percent hands-free and moving around. iWalk 3.0 is one of the most innovative crutches alternatives, with no upper body contact. That means no pain while walking around.

        The iWalker 3.0 is well-fitted with several joints to help keep the device stable. It comprises high-quality extruded aluminum and plastics. The peg leg contains a lateral component to appear like an actual foot. You can call it one of the genuinely hands-free alternative crutches.

        Not everyone can use iWalk3.0. So, you may need to confirm with your doctor if iWalk3.0 is compatible. But it is a better hands-free crutch for below-the-knee medical issues.


        KMINA PRO Forearm Crutches Brand Story

        Alejandro Vano saw the immense pains and challenges of patience using crutches. So, in 2015, Alejandro envisioned a more comfortable reinvented crutch. He, thus, teamed up with orthopedic specialists to come up with the KMINO Pro. 

        Alejandro says the KMINO Pro is the world’s first pain-free, stylish and affordable crutches. KMINO Pro makes it easier to walk faster. You are more relaxed and with no pain. You can also climb the stairs with ease and do a lot more.

        KMINA Crutches Technological Innovations

        It comes with tilted forearm support. That makes it easier to move your hands without removing the crutches. The fastening strap helps keep the crutches in place, so it doesn’t fall off. 

        KMINO Pro came with a padded forearm and flexible rubberized tip base. Those two plus the and shock absorber make life more exciting for those using crutches. That means you don’t feel the pressure on your armpit, wrist, or shoulder. 

        You can have the crutches on and still carry out other activities. All you need to do is push the rotating handle to one side. Then you can bring out your phone to take a call. Your hands are free for a handshake; pick a teacup and more.

        With KMINO Pro, you can adjust the height or forearm length to your desired size.

        Final Words

        Crutches, no doubt, make life a lot easier for people with mobility issues. And the advancement in new technological design in crutches means greater comfort. So, people using mobility aids can live pain-free now.


        5 Best Crutches for Long-Term Use

        Best Crutches for Long-Term Use

        If you are a long-term user, you need something long-lasting, comfortable, and very light. Before you get into the market to search for the best crutch, you must know what to look for. This process is a bit challenging since there are many options available in the market.

        To make it easy for you, we have taken a quick review of the best crutches for long term use. The process involved trying out various products and comparing our findings with feedback and reviews from clients who used the product. Below is the list of our best 5 crutches for long-term use.

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           Our Top 5 Picks

          DonJoy Rebound Crutches

          Ergobaum Ergonomic Crutch

          Ergoactives  Forearm Crutches

          in-Motion Forearm Crutches

          Drive Medical Forearm Crutch

          Top 5 Long-Term Use Crutches

          Editor’s PickDonJoy Ergonomic Crutches


          If you are one of the users who like fabulous modern crutches, this might be the best crutch for you. It is designed with a unique folding technique that patients can use when traveling using any means. Medical specialists recommend that this model is one of the most long-lasting available in the market. It has springs that push the user forward hence reducing the energy needed to push it.

          This crutch keeps your hand comfortable all the time. They do not cause any stress on your bottom or upper part of your body. Additionally, it has a padded underarm cradle that reduces soreness.

          Good For:

          Bad For:

          Best for People with Latex AllergiesErgobaum Ergonomic Crutch


          This type of crutch offers you flexible support that improves your performance, safety, and comfort. The crutch uses medical-grade aluminum and is sold as a unit. They are designed to reduce rubbing and strain. This is enhanced by double sets of shock absorbers in the crutch when it comes into contact with the ground.

          The handle of the New Generation Ergonomic Crutch is strong and made of cushions. This design is suitable for reducing the amount of reaction on your hands. The crutch has insulation on the arm cuff that is adjustable and distant from the handle.

          This product has an adjustable knee rest that makes you comfortable in situations where you require to stand for a long time such as waiting in a queue. This crutch is best for people at a height of 5-6.6 feet.

          Good For:

          Bad For:

          Best for People Recuperating From Injuries Ergobaum® Prime 7TH Generation


          This type of crutch was designed in the year 2007 to curb minor injuries suffered by patients during rehabilitation after surgery or an accident. It is designed with maximum shock absorption to offer pain-free and comfortable support. 

          The forearm of the crutch is very light and comfortable to the user. It has no negative side effects experienced by the user. It has spring shock absorbers to reduce the impact between the legs and the ground to reduce the pain related to using the crutches. 

          Ergobaum® Prime 7TH Generation for adults can be adjusted to fit people from 5-6 feet tall. It weighs about 350 lbs. it has an adjustable handgrip and a built-in knee rest. This crutch is designed with plenty of safety properties such as a reflector, horn, and LED light.

          Good For:

          Bad For:

          Best for Wet and Slippery SurfacesIn-Motion Crutches


          This crutch was designed to absorb shock from the ground and cub strain in the upper body, wrists, and forearm. It comes in two different sizes- for youth and adults between 5-6 feet tall.

          Its cuffs are large in size and their diameter is fixed. This implies that they are not adjustable if you have smaller arms. If it stresses you much, you need to clamp the cuffs more tightly using an elastic band. Tie the band around then it will reduce the diameter of the cuffs. You can adjust the distance between the cuffs and the handle to fit your arm length.

          The handles do not have padding hence making them uncomfortable for long hours of use. In-motion Forearm Crutches are made from aluminum materials and can accommodate up to 360lbs. The crutches are made with anti-skid tips making them best for use on slippery surfaces.

          Good For:

          Bad For:

          Best DurableDMI Crutches


          This crutch is designed with buttons that allow the user to adjust its height easily to a comfortable position. It is made from anodized aluminum material that is very light to move with the crutch around. 

          They are made from anodized aluminum material that is very light and  makes it easier as you move around. DMI Crutches have adjustable heights from 40-45 inches.  

          Good For:

          Bad For:

          Recommended DonJoy Ergonomic Crutch | Final Words

          In conclusion, never underrate the doctor’s advice on the kind of crutch you should go for. We want to make it right that the above is just a list of the best long-term use crutches and does not limit you to opt for another option.

          From our findings, the best pick is DonJoy Rebound Ergonomic Crutch. It offers the best service for the user as far as safety is concerned. It has a spring system that absorbs impact from the ground and an underarm cradle that reduces soreness.


          How Do You Fly With Crutches?

          How Do You Fly With Crutches?

          How do I fly with crutches? Should you have had an injury or illness for a short or long while, you are likely to  ask yourself this question. Are you in pain and using crutches to manage it? If so, it can be challenging to establish what you need to know if you want to experience a pleasant flight. 

          I had a difficult time the first flight I went on when I needed to use crutches to aid my mobility. After some research, I came across a few helpful tips that saved me time and further injury. In this article, I will willingly share with you useful tips. These tips allowed me to travel with crutches on an airplane.

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            Why You Should Review Your Itinerary Before You Decide to Travel With Crutches


            Travelling can be exhausting at the best of times. This is especially true when you have an injury or illness that requires crutches. Before accepting your travel plans that involve flying, you should review your itinerary.

            If you don’t look through the flight itinerary, you can later learn you won’t be able to cope with what’s planned.

            Some flights will also need you to wait in long lines. This can be an issue if you can’t sit and need to rely on your crutches to stay upright.

            Additionally, suppose you are flying from a small airport. In that case, your itinerary might have you dropped off or laid over at a large airport. When this happens, you could find it challenging to navigate where you need to be.

            By learning your itinerary, you can prevent yourself from struggling or stressing.

            10 Tips on How to Successfully Fly On an Airplane with Crutches

            Below are ten of the best tips you need to know. I have sourced and compiled them to make your flight travel plans easier if you need to fly with crutches.

            1.Don't Be Afraid When You Have Decided To Take a Plane


            When you have decided to travel on a plane, and you are aware that you need to use your crutches, don’t be afraid. Every day thousands of injured people fly on local airlines. Plane personnel know how to help you safely. They are trained to assist those who have mobility problems due to illness or injury. 

            If you allow yourself to be afraid and anxious, you risk worsening your injury or illness. Remember to breathe and remain calm, as the less scared you are, the easier it will be for you to fly with crutches.

            2.Don't Pack More Than You Can Handle by Yourself


            Whether you are traveling alone or are getting help, you should pack only what you can handle by yourself. Walking with crutches and trying to check in your luggage or stow it away on the plane is hard. You could likely have some difficulty maneuvering if you have packed too much.

            Often you will need to lift bags into the cargo holding area physically. If you’re holding onto crutches, this is an almost impossible task. Only pack what you need and what you think you can manage when you are using crutches to board a plane. Travel light or only use checked-in baggage.

            3.Prepare Medication and Other Medicinal Supplies


            You likely want to be comfortable when traveling via plane. If you are using crutches, you are bound to be in some form of pain. That’s why it’s crucial to take all medications with you. Pack medicine such as your pain medicine or muscle relaxers that you need during the flight. 

            Additionally, think of the other medicinal supplies you might need. When you are using crutches, you might have noticed that you go through many rubber knots. These knots are not easy to find, so make sure you always pack extra in your luggage. 

            Another handy medical supply to have with you when flying with crutches is a rubber paste. You can use this paste to coat the bottom of your crutches. This paste will stop you from falling when boarding or walking around the cockpit.

            4.Check the Airlines Carry On Baggage Regulations Before You Buy a Ticket

            Before you book your flight ticket, it’s essential to learn what carry-on baggage rules are in place. You can do this by calling the airline or checking on their website. Some airlines are strict with the type of luggage you can bring on board. Unfortunately, they might not allow you to use your crutches on the flight. 

            If you don’t check, you could end up not being able to leave your seat. Additionally, you may have to cancel your ticket. This would be a waste of time and money. I now always check the airline’s baggage rules before I book a ticket to avoid these issues.

            5.Ensure You Have Lots of Time to Check in By Taking Advantage of an Airlines Early Check-In System

            When you are traveling via plane with crutches, it can slow you down. Transporting yourself to the airport and making your way to the check-in location takes longer when using crutches. 

            That’s why you must consider utilizing the airlines’ early check-in system. Whenever I make use of this service, I don’t have any issues boarding. If you arrive earlier and check-in earlier, you won’t have to worry about being late or missing your flight.

            6.Try To Book a More Spacious Seat or Book a Disabled Passenger Seat

            You don’t want to be cramped when you are injured or suffering an illness while flying. Surely you want to be more comfortable for the duration of your flight? Having easy access to and from your seat when using crutches will allow you to be more comfortable. The best way to get this need is to consider booking a more spacious chair.

            Some airlines have roomier seats that offer passengers more legroom. If a more spacious seat isn’t available, you can look into hiring a disabled passenger seat. Disabled passenger seats are often better for those suffering from severe mobility issues.

            7.Consider Asking For a Wheelchair Service


            Whenever I use crutches, I get fatigued fast. Do you tire quickly or have trouble walking long distances in an airport with your crutches? If so, you should consider making use of the airline’s wheelchair service. 

            If you phone ahead and arrange with the airport, you can book yourself a wheelchair. You can then use it while waiting for your flight and reduce the strain you feel from using crutches.

            When using the wheelchair service, ensure the person pushing you is an employee from special services. Special services airport employees know how to operate a wheelchair and how to get you to where you need to be.

            8.Prepare For Airport Security

            Many people traveling with an airline who are using crutches forget about airport security. Most airport security staff will have to do extra security checks on you if you are using crutches. 

            It would be best to contact your airline before your flight. That way, you can find out what security will need you to do if you are using crutches. Not phoning ahead risks you losing time to complicated airport security inspections. You don’t want to place yourself in a position where you are unaware of the security procedures if you can avoid it.

            9.Consider Requesting Priority Boarding and Ask For Help Storing Your Crutches


            When you are using crutches, you should consider requesting priority boarding. I found that priority boarding saved me a lot of time as I had help with both boarding and disembarking.

            It’s not difficult to request priority boarding as all you need to do is speak to a gate attendant. Yet, you will need to arrive earlier. Arriving earlier will allow you to talk with them without any obstacles. 

            Once you are on board, you should speak with a flight attendant about stowing your crutches. Sometimes you will need to have them placed in a special cupboard. Other times, you can store them in your overhead storage compartment.

            A flight attendant can get you seated and help you put the crutches away for safekeeping. They can also help retrieve them.

            10.Get Dropped Off At The Curbside And Take A Companion


            Traveling to the airport can be as tricky as maneuvering around inside an airport. Instead of using a shuttle service, take a cab or get a friend to drop you off near the entrance. This way, you will cut much of the mobility-induced stress you could face.

            Additionally, if you can manage it, you should consider taking a traveling companion. If you catch a flight with someone, you trust you will likely have a better experience flying with crutches. A companion can help you with your luggage and keep you company while you hobble along on crutches.

            Final Words

            Flying with crutches can be a challenging and intimidating experience. You don’t need to be apprehensive, or shy when flying with an injury or illness that requires you to use crutches. If you follow these tips, I have mentioned you shouldn’t have any issue the next time you fly.

            Additionally, if you know your limits, these tips will help you enjoy your experience. They will also act as a guide that tells you what to do to ensure you have a safe and comfortable flight.


            5 Best Platform Crutches

            What Are the Best Platform Crutches

            It’s bad enough that one has to use crutches. How to find a sturdy, durable, ergonomic, and budget-friendly crutch could increase the challenge. But how about the best platform crutches that guarantee more comfort? 

            This review has taken a closer look at the best platform crutches and what makes them great. Let’s ride on together! 

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               Our Top 5 Picks

              Smartcrutch  Crutches

              Drive Medical Platform Crutch

              Ergonomic Crutches

              Mobility Crutches

              Mobility Crutches

              Top 5 Best Platform Crutches for Body Support

              Best Grip-free Walker Platform Crutches – Drive Medical Platform Crutch


              Drive Medical 10105 walker serves as an excellent solution if you need support standing straight. The added cradle’s forearm platform helps up to 5 footers stand and walk without slouching. So, for those who find it challenging to grip the walker handle, the platform aids mobility.

              Besides, the soft vinyl padding takes away the strain from resting on the platform. The attachment also comes with a large top bracket. And that helps guarantee a perfect forearm fit into the walker’s handgrip. With the adjustable strap, you have no worries as it holds your arms firm.

              An additional value of having the forearm platform is that it works with different walkers. When it comes to installation, you need to know how to fix eight screws to fit. But you might want to inspect those screws every few weeks, so it doesn’t come off.

              The only drawback, though is, you need to purchase an adapter or bracket to secure the crutches.

              Good For:

              Bad For:

              Best Innovative Platform Crutches –  Ergobaum Prime 7TH Generation


              Ergobaum Prime 7th Generation foreman crutche is one of the most innovative I have seen. Ergobaum is a reputable company. And the crutches provide breathtaking features to keep you comfortable. 

              It comes with a pair of two units of crutches. So, if you are 5 to 6.6 feet tall, you got the perfect crutches for your height. Yes, with the height adjustment pin, you can either increase or reduce the size.

              Everything about the Ergobaum is to provide comfort, safety, and final aesthetic value to you. The padded cuff comes with an adjustable forearm strap pad to fit your arm without pressure. It also has an adjustable height cuff. Those with longer arms can extend the cuff’s height to suit their needs.

              When you move around, no worries about slipping on surfaces. Why? With an impressive ergo cap crutch tip, you get a sturdy base. How about sudden impact? The shock absorber system fixed to the base reduces the effect. For advanced security, the anti-noise lock ring helps reduce interference during a walk.

              In case you need to relax a bit while standing, the knee rest device becomes handy. Ergobaum LED flashlight helps you navigate in the dark to illuminate your environment.

              Ergobaum crutches utilize a soft rubber hand grip to soothe your palms. For added security, you have the reflective cat eyes on the handgrip. Also, the reflective band on the cuffs warns the approaching party. You can use the alert button or horn by the handgrip for warning. 

              The significant drawback of the Ergobaum is that it is not suitable for weighty individuals. If you have to put much of your weight on the crutches, it is likely to buckle. 

              Good For:

              Bad For:

              Best Versatile Platform Crutches SmartCRUTCH Racer eries Forearm Crutch


              Smartcrunch comes from a company with a clear understanding of the user needs. It offers several incredible features suitable for children and adults. If you are 4.4 to 6.7 feet tall then, the Smartcrunch crutches are your perfect buddy.

              Smartcrunch’s primary design is to create ease of movement. It distributes the body weight across the arm, so you don’t put pressure on your injured feet or leg. You also don’t feel pressure on any particular part of your arm.

              The adjustable forearm angles give you 15-90 degrees rotation. That gives you enough room to move your arms around. With ten height adjustments, kids and adults can experience comfortable and secure use. It can carry up to 260 pounds of body weight. And with the included size chart, you can measure your height and all to fit.

              You can get impressive sturdiness from the spring-loaded flex tip base—no worries about slipping. 

              Good For:

              Bad For:

              Best Minimalist Design – Forearm Crutches Adult


              Forearm M+D crutches present a comfy and simple-looking crutch for easy movement. Using this hands-free crutch holds your hand firm and removes the pressure on your armpit. That means more comfort around the arms.

              MD forearm crutches has a cradle that enables you easily carry out any activity. So, instead of removing your arm from the band, you can simply unlock the cradle. That allows you to open a cupboard, brush your teeth with the crutches on. Once you put your arm back down, the cradle automatically locks into place.

              The adjustable cradle makes it suitable for children and adults. It’s a perfect fit for people with heights of 4″11 to 5″8 feet. Since it covers up to 300 lbs. maximum, then the M+D forearms crutch covers most weights.

              With the hands-free mode, you can also turn the handle the other way. When you need to open a door or pick up a teacup, it helps get the handle out of the way. You also do not have to take off the crutches. 

              Use the piece of rubber holder to keep the crutches in place when you take them off. If you need to sit, simply pull out the rubber for additional support for the crutches. Also, the side handles help you carry the crutches without stress. 

              Good For:

              Bad For:

              Best On Budget Platform CrutchesMedline G07702 Walker Platform


              When on a budget, the Medline G07702 Walker offers an outstanding choice for a crutch. It fit perfectly to any arm, left or right. It is in no way complicated when it comes to wearing. Simply open and strap, and you are set to go. 

              Medline G07702 Walker helps take the pressure off the armpit and distributes it across the arm. It has a unique rubber grip handle. That means you can enjoy more comfort as the weight does not rest on the hand.

              For heights, the Medline gives room for multiple adjustments. That makes it ideal for different forearms for children and adults. So, you can adapt the platform to various walker styles without stress. Although the base is sturdy, it would help if reinforced for more excellent sturdiness. 

              Good For:

              Bad For:

              Platform Crutches Faqs

              Platform crutches refer to carefully engineered devices that aid movement for those experiencing difficulty gripping crutches. They provide a platform to rest the arm and relieve the bodyweight. So, there is little or no strain on the injured legs, armpit, and shoulder.

              They are also known as elbow crutches. Platform crutches serve as mobility aids. They ease the bodyweight from the injured leg to the upper body. Once the user slips the forearm into the strap, there is less pressure on the legs.

              Recommended Smartcrutch | Final Words

              So, what are the best platform crutches from the selection? And the winner is… SmartCRUTCH Racer Series Forearm Crutch.

              SmartCRUTCH comes with all you need for a comfortable experience and to heal faster. With 15-90 degrees arm movement, you have enough room to function almost normally. The soft foam pads give you all the comfort you need while moving around. With ten height adjustments, heights shouldn’t be a problem at all.

              I must say Drive Medical is the second-best for me. It has a unique cradle forearm platform. You can enjoy the ease with lifting or placing items, opening doors, and more. But with slight defective issues with the arm strap twisting, that’s a major, minor challenge. Again, you still need to purchase the adapter, which is an additional cost. 

              Ergobaum Prime 7TH Generation: offers you an innovative platform crutch. But I think the manufacturers need to get the engineering work right. The defective issues and poor weight management stole the shine off the crutches.

              Forearm Crutches Adult is a simply impressive platform crutch. But compared to the Smartcrutch, you only get less value with the Forearm crutches.

              As for Medline G07702 Walker Platform Attachment, the budget may be the critical consideration. But with the platform sliding down and poor engineered knobs, it’s very inconvenient.

              Picking the best platform crutches requires one with comfort and exceptional functionality. And that’s what you would find in the review. Beyond considering the budget, the Smartcrutch and Drive Medical presents two unbeatable choices. In the end, you need comfort, durability, excellent function, and a sturdy device. You can find these features in the Smartcrutch and Drive Medical.


              iWALK 2.0 Crutches Review

              Hands Free Crutches - iWALK 2.0 Ultimate Review

              Have you been living in confusion on how to get the crutch that is simple to walk in? Sit down and relax since you have found the answer.

              Most crutches are hard to walk in and hurt a lot. The forearm and underarm may get rubbed and cause fatigue. They also cause neck and shoulder pain since the weight is always transferred to the upper body.

              The iWALK2.0 is the best solution to all these problems with a forearm and underarm crutches. They are hands-free crutches; instead of supporting your body with the arms on crutches as you walk, the iWALK2.0 crutch is fixed at the upper leg. It is well-cushioned for the leg muscles’ comfort as this part of the body works as the support. There is nobody strain as experienced in the forearm and underarm crutches.

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                What to consider before buying a iWALK2.0

                The iWALK2.0 is the best solution to all these problems with a forearm and underarm crutches. They are hands-free crutches; instead of supporting your body with the arms on crutches as you walk, the iWALK2.0 crutch is fixed at the upper leg. It is well-cushioned for the leg muscles’ comfort as this part of the body works as the support. There is no body strain as experienced in the forearm and underarm crutches. Below are some of the things you should consider.

                1. Bodyweight


                The weight of your body is very significant as it determines what kind of iWALK you pick. If you weigh over 100kg or, in other terms, you are overweight, iWALK might not be fit for you. Remember, as you support your injured knee on the iWALK2.0, more than half of your body weight is transferred to the support. This may break the device.

                2. Type of injury

                Type of injury is another factor that should  be concerned. For instance, if the injury is on the thigh, iWALK2.0 is not the best option. This is because the upper part of the leg is used as a support for the iWALK2.0.

                3.Thigh Circumference

                Please measure the size of your thigh to know the size of iWALK2.0 you should buy. 

                4.The firmness of the device

                Any weight supporting device should be firm enough to carry your weight. Therefore, you need to buy one that will support your weight without stress. iWALK2.0 crutches leave your hands free hence maintaining balance and making movement easy.

                Good For:

                Bad For:



                Enhanced safety

                Falling is an everyday occurrence to any person on a trail but falling on crutches is a disastrous experience. Crutches may hurt your hands or any other part of the body. Small slip or losing control poses a threat on crutches. iWALK2.0 provides safety in such dangerous situations and even when walking down and upstairs.

                Enhanced Movement

                Human beings are not made to have the under arms as the support to their body weight. Crutch substitutes like knee scooters hinder movement most. The iWALK2.0 crutch allows transfers of your weight to the legs, improving mobility better than traditional crutches. 

                You can walk freely in  iWALK2.0 crutches hence building your legs muscles. Additionally, they cause less fatigue, contrary to the traditional crutches or their substitutes.

                Greater comfort

                Underarm and forearm crutches cause stress to your body by inserting stress on your underarms and hands. Again, these crutches may injure your nerves beneath your arms and cause fatigue. In other words, traditional crutches make your movement appear dangerous and stressful. iWALK2.0 is the solution to all these threats.

                Apart from transferring body weight in your arms, in iWALK2.0, the weight is moved to your shin. You only kneel on a stand then your weight is supported.

                Enhanced emotional well-being

                Losing the ability to operate in normal daily life activities can be very stressful. Learning to bear with injuries without carrying daily tasks may even cause mental stress. iWAlk2.0 is the best crutch that will help you out of such stress as it gives you back your freedom and ability to walk.

                Enhanced motor function and shortened recovery time

                iWALK is the only walking aid that involves the muscles on the upper part of your leg, hip, and thigh when in motion or at rest. This feature enhances your ability to walk during and after recovery. Blood circulation increases as you move your legs, and this help your body in recovering. Additionally, iWALK2.0 induces you to be a bit more movable than its counterparts.

                Ability to manage daily activities

                Some daily activities such as cooking, doing the dishes, walking the dog, and others may seem like simple tasks, but this is not the case on conventional crutches. All these activities employ the use of your hands and arms.

                Using iWALK2.0 is the best option as you take all the above activities with ease. Leg injury should not restrict you from daily activities.

                Increased ability to workout

                Physical activities and exercise are essential in our lives. Conventional crutches may limit you from undertaking such hence making your body inactive. iWALK2.0 makes this activity possible and maintains your body active. Apart from making standing and walking more comfortable, they enable the user to do other activities like bowling, golfing, hiking, and playing tennis. 

                Reduces muscle strength, waste, and bone density loss

                An injured leg is involved in less work in conventional crutches. This condition may cause muscle atrophy, reduced flexibility, bone density loss, and loss of coordination and strength. With iWALK2.0, every upper leg muscles, buttock, and hip are fully activated as one walks or stands. 

                This action protects your leg against the risks related to lack of exercise.


                This product is the best alternative crutch as it is more comfortable and stable. KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter Steerable be used in both indoor and outdoor.

                It is designed with rubber wheels of 7.5″, making it easy to steer, balance, and increased grip. Besides, it has adjustable hand brakes and twin rear wheel brakes for easy movement and control.

                This product is the best alternative crutch as it is more comfortable and stable. KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter Steerable be used in both indoor and outdoor.

                It is designed with rubber wheels of 7.5″, making it easy to steer, balance, and increased grip. Besides, it has adjustable hand brakes and twin rear wheel brakes for easy movement and control.

                If you are trying to find a durable knee scooter, this should be your choice. Drive medical 796 dual knee walker is designed with a steel frame smeared with silver. It has a superior braking system for safe control during movement and locking the wheels when not in use.

                This product comes with a removable basket at the front where you can store your goods after shopping. The disadvantage with this scooter is that it cannot travel at angles of over 20 degrees or on curbs.

                This KneeRover is a more improved scooter that offers you better cushioning, stability, and easy to use on rough terrain.

                KneeRover Deluxe Steerable Knee Scooter has an adjustable knee platform and handlebars. It can support up to a weight of 350 pounds. Additionally, it is fitted with a basket at the front.

                How do these alternative crutches differ from iWALK2.0?

                Final Words

                Crutches and walkers provide you with stability and safety when used correctly. To attain these objectives, get advice from your doctor or physical therapist. By using the device correctly, you increase its efficiency and durability.

                Nevertheless, if you can’t reach either a doctor or physical therapist, the above review offers you an opportunity to get the advantages and disadvantages of iWALK2.0 and its alternatives (knee walkers).

                If you found this review helpful, don’t hesitate to share it on social platforms to help others.


                5 Best Crutches For Non Weight Bearing

                5 Best Crutches For Non-Weight Bearing

                How dangerous an injury is determines the outcome that the patient will have to deal with. After a leg surgery, you may be required to avoid putting any pressure on the injured leg.

                A non weight-bearing condition will require you to use suitable crutches in order to walk. These crutches will be your best friend during the treatment period, that is why you must choose the best crutches to accommodate your needs.

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                   Our Top 5 Picks

                  Editor’s Pick Crutches

                  Value For Money Option

                  Extra Comfortable

                  Great Investment Crutch


                  Top 5 Best Crutches For Non-Weight Bearing

                  Editor’s Pick –iWALK3.0 Hands-Free Crutch


                  This innovative and brilliant design is here to make your life a lot easier! The iWALK Hands-Free Crutch serves as a great alternative for modern crutches.

                  With this device, you can walk comfortably with your hands freely hanging. It is more suitable for below knee injuries and not significantly overweight. You’ll have to check the requirement before purchasing this crutch.

                  The iWALK is made of robust material. It features a three-layer Ergonomic knee platform with dual density pad.

                  The Non-slip vibram tread can easily be replaced, and you don’t need any tool to assemble the device. The straps can simply be adjusted according to your needs, and you only need one push to release the buckles.

                  Get your life back using this creative design and don’t allow your injury to stop you.

                  Good For:

                  Bad For:

                  Value For Money Option –Hugo Mobility Crutches 


                  Hugo crutches are some of the best crutches in the market. Made of lightweight anodized aluminum which makes them lighter than wood!

                  These crutches can support weight of over 300lbs and accommodate a user height of 5′ 2″ to 5′ 10″ that can be simply adjusted using the push-button feature.

                  To prevent any discomfort against your armpit, Hugo crutches feature thick cushioning with an Integrated metal ring that prevents wear. The natural sponge used in making the hand grips is moist resistant, delicate against the palms, and they can easily be washed.

                  The tips play a huge role when it comes to choosing your crutches. With a curved stair deflector design at the bottom delivers great traction for more security.

                  These crutches for Hugo are a great choice for a smooth ride.

                  Good For:

                  Bad For:

                  Extra comfortableMobilegs Ultra


                  Another unconventional yet outstanding crutches is the Mobilegs. With its angled design, this mobility-aid device is made to accommodate the users needs while in use.

                  Instead of a regular pad, this device features an articulated saddle that rotates and pivots to match the user’s walk. The saddle also features a 1 ¼” of built-in dampening that works as a shock absorber to keep your armpit comfortable.

                  The Ergonomic Hand Grips are backwards and are shaped to keep your grip in a neutral position to avoid any discomfort. Good quality tips are always necessary when it comes to crutches. Mobilegs is equipped with a Rocker foot at the bottom to ensure a firm grip and more security.

                  Another great thing that makes the Mobilegs great, is that it’s built based on the dematerialization concept, which makes it very lightweight. It can support up to 300lbs and is adjustable to suit a user height of 4’9″ to 6’4.

                  Good For:

                  Bad For:

                  Great Investment –Ergobaum® Prime 7TH


                  If you feel like the regular crutches are not suitable for you, you may be more inclined to use forearm crutches. The Ergobaum 7G forearm crutch offers the full package, and more!

                  This pair of crutches is made of medical grade materials that guarantee a pleasant experience for a long time of usage.

                  The Ergobaum 7G features padded cuffs with straps that can easily be adjusted. The hand grips are made of soft rubber to keep your palms comfortable and protected. To ensure optimum use, it is embedded with a shock absorbing system which helps with movement. The tips are High Performance Ergocap tips which are non-slip and secure.

                  Unlike any other mobility-aid device, this one is equipped with many gadgets that can come in handy in times of need. Within your reach, you can use the built-in horn, flashlight and a knee rest gadget. This crutch is totally adjustable, both the cuff height and the stick, and you can also fold it for easier transportation.

                  Good For:

                  Bad For:

                  ManeuverabilityDrive Medical Knee Walker


                  Do you want an underarm crutch that will support you and provide pain relief for your disorder? If you do, you may want to consider the Carex folding underarm crutches. These crutches are great for many people, but the weight limit is low at 250 pounds. Although the weight limit is low, they can accommodate 4ft 11 inches through to those who are 6ft 4 inches.

                  The Carex crutches are easy to fold and store, and they have excellent padding in sporty colors. If you need to travel while using them, you will like to learn that they can easily be stowed. You can place them in overhead luggage compartments and other travel storage areas. 

                  Additionally, these Carex underarm crutches are lightweight. They primarily consist of rubber and aluminum and these materials are  contribute to the durability of the product.

                   The Carex crutches are ideal for those who don’t want to use crutches that are heavy and cumbersome. 

                  Good For:

                  Bad For:

                  Recommend iWALK3.0| Final Words

                  A Non-Weight Bearing injury requires extra attention. The slightest of pressure could cause undue complications. That’s why choosing a good and reliable crutch is a must.

                  A perfect mobility device would offer so much comfort, easy to use and robust for a reliable use. We present you 5 amazing crutches that will take your experience to the next level.

                  When meeting the right requirements, a great choice would be the iWALK3.0. Using this device keeps your hands free, so you are able to continue your daily activities.

                  It is made of robust material and the pads grant a great deal of comfort when in use. It also features a Slip-resistant Vibram tread for extra safety. Purchasing this mobility-aid device is a great choice and surely worth every penny.


                  How To Use One Crutch?

                  How To Use One Crutch (Step By Step Guide)

                  If you’re recovering from a leg injury and are prescribed to use one crutch, you might be feeling quite limited. For most people, walking with one crutch is ‘easier’ than walking on two crutches. It can feel strange at first if you haven’t used a single-leg device before.

                  Some people are afraid of using it, and they need to overcome their fear by realizing they can go out more often if they use a crutch. This article will show you how to walk with one crutch.

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                    How To Use A Single Crutch

                    There are many types of single-leg devices, so it’s best to try things you are comfortable with. Here are a few ways how to use one crutch:

                    Fitting Crutch

                    At first, you need to fit the crutch to your injured leg. Slip it over your foot until your toes touch the floor comfortably. 

                    It’s easier to balance if you use something for support, especially if this is the first time you use a crutch.

                    Standing From A Sit

                    You can use the same crutch to help you stand up from a sitting position. The process is the same, except you will be standing. The crutch should be at the side of the injured leg. 

                    The arm holding the crutch should be bent and locked to your side. If you are using a folding device, flip it up after you stand up, but before you move your leg forward or walk.



                    There are two different ways to walk with one crutch. One is to drag it on the ground, and the other is to walk with it firmly. To drag it on the floor, grip the crutch using your thumb, index finger, and middle finger. 

                    Adjust your hand position until you can hold it comfortably on your injured leg. Then, you can use your arms to push yourself off the ground.

                    Hold the crutch like you are walking with a cane to walk with it. Make sure that it’s tight enough for you to stay balanced. 

                    If something is loose, this will affect your walking speed and ability to balance. However, even if it’s a little loose, it will help you in your first steps.

                    Up And Down Stairs With One Crutch

                    It’s best to start by standing on a stair. Use the crutch like you’re walking with something other than a crutch, or you might slip and fall down the stairs. 

                    When climbing, place your injured foot on the step, then push off with your other leg. Do the same for descending the stairs.

                    Up And Down Stairs Without A Crutch

                    Use the other foot:

                    • Move your injured leg up the step, use your other foot to push off from the ground, and put that leg on top of the step.
                    • Repeat this until you reach the top or bottom of the stairs.
                    • Repeat with your injured leg.

                    You can also use the railing. Just do the same by placing your foot on the stair, then push off with your other leg to climb or descend the stairs.

                    Is It OK To Use One Crutch? (Advantages)

                    Using one crutch is OK as long as you are recovering from a leg injury. Here are some advantages of using one crutch:

                    You can go out more often if you do not have to use two crutches. People should use one crutch to recover from a leg injury. 

                    You will be able to do simple activities like taking a shower or eating, which most likely would have been impossible with two crutches. You will be getting your life back.

                    It’s easy to use so you won’t have difficulty going out with your friends and family. Your body will get used to it over time, so you won’t have trouble walking with it. 

                    It is also safe to use, meaning you won’t get hurt. However, if you are too protective of your leg, it will be hard to adapt yourself to the crutch.

                    You do not risk injuring your knee when using one crutch since you will be using only one leg. You can also use your injured leg more often than usual (since it will not cause much pain in this case).

                    The weight of one crutch is much lighter than two crutches, making it easier to swing around. Also, since there’s less weight on one leg, it will not cause fatigue as much. Therefore, you’ll be able to stay active longer than usual.

                    The Disadvantages Of Using One Crutch


                    When using a single-leg device, it will be challenging to get around in town. It will be much more tiring if you carry groceries or even want to go out for a stroll. 

                    You will also have problems walking around small objects placed on the ground, like a table or an object with wheels.

                    If your foot gets caught between the crutch and the floor, this can cause an injury. Your leg can also get caught between the crutch and the object in front of you. The same happens when you step on something weird on the floor with your crutch. 

                    It’s best to wear shoes while walking with a crutch and to avoid wearing high heels or sandals. Plus, it will be impossible to carry anything in your hands.

                    Top Cases For Using One Crutch

                    When and why should you use one crutch instead of two? Here are some instances when you’ll be more comfortable using one crutch:

                    1.Your injured leg is a little sore: If your injured leg is in relatively good shape but still has some pain, then using one crutch will be much better than using two crutches.

                    You will be able to move around easily, and you won’t need to run the risk of injuring your other leg if you accidentally step on their crutch or something on the ground.

                    2.You have a heart condition: If your heart is weak, using one crutch is better than using two. This is because there will be less weight on your body, which means you won’t feel tired when walking. It will also be easier to walk around with just one crutch.

                    3.You have broken a bone in both legs: If you have sustained an injury and broken a bone in both legs, then it would be best to use only one crutch.

                    This is because moving around will be much easier, and you won’t need to use two crutches. You can do simple activities such as going to the bathroom, eating or showering.

                    4.You have a broken leg: If you broke your leg, it would be best to use a single-leg device instead of two crutches. It will not only be easier for you to move around, but you’ll also feel less pain.

                    What Are The Alternatives To Using One Crutch?

                    1. Canes And Walking Sticks

                    You can use a walking stick or cane instead of using crutches. However, this will take a bit more time to get used to. 

                    Plus, this alternative can be challenging if you have a bad balance and a lot of pain because of the injury.

                    2. Knee Scooters

                    When using knee scooters, you’ll be able to go around with much more freedom. However, it will take much longer to get used to it since this device is a little trickier than a crutch. Plus, they are more expensive than crutches, and you risk getting hurt if you fall.

                    Final Word

                    Using one crutch won’t be that hard. Just follow this article, and you’ll be able to use one crutch as soon as tomorrow. Don’t worry about feeling awkward because it takes time for your body to adjust to using a single-leg device.


                    3 Of The Best Cast Scratchers And Cleaners

                    3 Of The Best Cast Scratchers And Cleaners

                    Wearing a cast isn’t usually a pleasant experience. This is because they can be cumbersome and make moving hard. Yet, worst of all is that they can become dirty and itchy. Many people find this frustrating because it’s difficult to scratch and clean the inside of your cast while you wear it. After all, you can’t simply take your cast off and give your arm or leg a good wash and clean.

                    Luckily, there are cast scratchers and cleaners that you can use. Since there are so many on the market, it can be hard to choose the one that’s best suited to your needs. Thus to make your life easier, we have spoken about three of the best cast scratchers and cleaners in our article.

                    These products have been designed to help cast wearers alleviate uncomfortable itches while maintaining hygiene standards. So if you need one of these tools, you should look below at some of the best available options.

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                      Our Top 3 Cast Scratcher and Cleaner

                      Best For Arms And Legs

                      Best For Durability

                      Best For Flexibility

                      Best 3 Cast Scratcher and Cleaner Reviewed

                      Best For Arms And Legs SC SCRATCH ‘N’ CLEAN


                      Those wearing a cast on their arms and legs should consider the SC Scratch’ N’ Clean 17-inch cast scratcher. Unlike other cast scratchers, this one is made to work on arm and leg casts without giving users any issues. 

                      It is also wholly safe to use. This scratcher has been made with human-friendly materials to eliminate itchy skin without damaging your skin. Yet, best of all, it won’t damage the inside of your cast when you use it. 

                      Additionally, the SC Scratch’ N’ Clean cast scratcher is flexible and can easily contour to the shape of your cast. This makes scratching and cleaning your cast simple. It’s also durable and likely to last a long time. Moreover, when you want to clean the inside of your cast, you need only wrap a cloth or wet wipe around this scratcher. Once it’s secured, you can clean wounds and disinfect them until your hygiene habits have been met.

                      With this cast scratcher, you can also use the other end to give a gentler scratch if you don’t want anything too sharp. This feature is great for those with raw or sensitive skin that’s healing after an accident. 

                      Best For Durability Maple Landmark Store


                      If you care about the environment and want to use environmentally sustainable products, you should look at the Vermont Maple cast scratcher. Not only is this scratcher and cleaner made with maple wood, but it also has a plant-based natural finish. 

                      Besides being good for the environment, you can trust it to scratch and relieve any itch and clean any wound without breaking. This is because the maple wood used to make it is incredibly durable and reliable. If you don’t use it too vigorously, you shouldn’t encounter any problems. 

                      Yet, often what people love the most about this cast scratcher is that it features rigid and sharp teeth. Even though the teeth are sharp, you won’t need to worry about getting hurt. You can also breathe easy knowing it’s long enough to reach within your cast with a length of 16 inches and a teeth width of ¾ of an inch. 

                      Moreover, when you’re done with this cast scratcher and cleaner, you can simply hang it up on a hook. Its simple carved hole at the handle can be looped with string or slotted over a nail until you need it next. 

                      Best For Flexibility – Tobei International Cast Scratcher


                      Although rigid cast scratchers can be beneficial, they can become frustrating when you can’t get to all the nooks and crannies inside your cast. Fortunately, you can use the Tobei International cast scratcher and cleaner to reach these hard-to-get areas. 

                      This is because this cast scratcher and cleaner are designed to be uber flexible. Its impressive 17-inch length is also handy since it can reach far within a cast to alleviate an itch or clean a wound. It also won’t irritate or hurt your skin, and it comes in a pack of two, which is always handy if you want one for home and one for when you’re on the go.

                      Lastly, unlike other cast scratchers, this one features a round, bumpy head. This texture works incredibly well with scratching and cleaning since it is the perfect level of abrasion. Also, despite being flexible, this cast scratcher and cleaner is strong. This means you don’t need to worry about it breaking off when you use it.

                      Final Words

                      Ultimately, choosing a cast scratcher and cleaner will depend on your preferences and needs. Yet, each one on our list is the best in the market that you should consider using. This is especially true if you want to avoid injury and want a cast scratcher that is premium quality. Not only will these ease itchiness, but they will also keep you clean without damaging your cast.