
13 Tips to Make Cooking on Crutches Easier

Make Cooking on Crutches Easy

While cooking is fun and amusing, cooking while on crutches might not be that enjoyable nor easy. With your hands holding to your crutch, you might find it difficult to maneuver around the kitchen and prepare a meal.

However, even though it may take time to adjust to it, there are things you can do to make it easier. Here are a few tips for you to make cooking and managing around the kitchen with crutches simple and easy.

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    1. Simple Recipes

    The first thing you should consider when you are about to cook something while having to use crutches, is the recipe. While some recipes take extra effort and longer time, some are simple, easy and still taste like heaven! Consider less demanding recipes that require only a few steps, few ingredients and less time to cook.

    Eliminate extra effort and stick to uncomplicated dishes, which tends to be healthier and perfect for cooking while on crutches. For this, you can create a special menu with only simple recipes in it. Follow with your menu until you no longer need crutches. Here are a few options that you might fancy:

    Thai Chicken Fried Rice

    Easy Baked Salmon

    Steak Noodle Bowls with Miso-Lime Dressing

    Sheet Pan Olive Bar Chicken

    2.Cook in Bulk

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    This might be the time when the microwave becomes your best friend! Cooking while on crutches is all about making things easier for yourself, for that you must think ahead. In addition to choosing simple recipes, prepare and stack your meals ahead of time. 

    You can cook a 3-days-worth of food and place it in containers for your next meal time. By doing so, you minimize the time you need to spend in the kitchen and save your energy. 

    If you are not a person who likes to eat yesterday’s food, only prepare for the day. Get up in the morning and cook what you’re going to eat for the whole day. 

    Cooking in bulk also offers a more healthy approach. By boiling your food, not adding too many spices and avoiding greasy food, you make cooking effortless and healthy.

    3. Use Spill-Proof Containers

    You don’t want to cause a mess in your storage compartment. Making a mess will result in more cleaning, which is hard to do while on crutches. Therefore, staking up your food in non-spill containers will save you the trouble of cleaning any spillage.

    Spill-proof dishes and containers also make carrying your food much safer. This will allow you to carry your plate and food to your table while walking with crutches. Walking with crutches surly is unstable and shaky, therefore, containers of this type are essential. 

    Spill-proof containers are also very beneficial when you go outside. Stack them up inside a backpack, and you are ready to go out with no fears of spillage.

    4. Keep paper towels at all the spots you'll spend time for spills

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    The more difficult a situation is, the more likely it is to cause a mess. Cooking with crutches may catch you off guard and have you make a mess. One great thing you can do is brace yourself for any accidents. Place the paper towel around every corner of the kitchen. This will keep you from dragging yourself across the kitchen to grab a paper towel and clean up any spill. 

    You can also cover up the table with disposable table paper ( or tablecloths) . When done eating, simply take it off and throw it away for a spotless table. 

    You can also cover up the table with disposable table paper ( or tablecloths) . When done eating, simply take it off and throw it away for a spotless table. 

    5. Purchase Pre-Cut Veggies

    This is something that will help you greatly in the kitchen. When you do your groceries shopping, purchase Pre-Cut and ready-to-cook veggies. This will save you a great deal of time and effort when you are about to cook.

    You won’t have to wander around the kitchen preparing what you need for a meal. All you need to do now, is practically put everything in a pot and lay back as it cooks. Don’t forget to watch it! 

    6. Wear an Apron

    You might not be used to wearing an apron while cooking, however this is one situation you should. It is not easy to cook your meals while on crutches, and accidents are bound to happen.

    An apron will keep your clothes clean and spotless from whatever spill you may splash on yourself. You know how great restaurant chefs hang a towel on their wastes to clean their hands quickly, this is similar to that. You can dry and clean your apron instead of seeking a paper towel.

    Wearing an apron is not only about keeping your clothes clean. The pocket on the apron is very helpful. Keep some essential equipment like spoons or recipes in it to make it within your reach.

    Any clothes you wear that have pockets are great. Having what you need close to you is key to an effortless cooking.

    7. Get a Rolling Table

    In order to make cooking easier for you, everything you may need must be closer to where you cook. A rolling table might be of great help in your condition, as you can easily drag it and place it where you want. Place your groceries and the equipment you may need on a rolling table and simply push it over. 

    Consider also getting a rolling chair to avoid getting up every time you forget something.

    8. Maximize Your Microwaves and Ovens

    Cooking in bulk and preparing your meals ahead requires more tools than usual. Having an additional oven might come in handy, considering all the food you are going to cook. Although it may not be necessary, it is certainly a plus! This will save you a lot of time in the kitchen. 

    You may want to purchase more equipment for cooking as well. You may want to start by getting extra pots and knives. 

    9. Let someone else help you cook

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    Getting an extra helping hand in the kitchen is always appreciated, this time more than ever! Ask someone else to help you prepare your food. This might be essential during the first days of using crutches until you get used to them. 

    It doesn’t have to be someone who is a professional chef. You can stick to the easy tasks and give instructions instead of doing everything by yourself. 

    If you live by yourself, you can ask your neighbors for help when you need it. 

    10.Don't Rush

    While on crutches, it is very important that you don’t rush yourself. This applies for the whole period of using crutches and not just in the kitchen. Always take small, well-coordinated steps and don’t make any sudden moves. Nonetheless, try to enjoy the process and cook simple, yet mouth-watering food. 

    While in the kitchen, time your cooking. You don’t want to find yourself running all over the kitchen saving the food from burning up! 

    11.Order your meals


    Now, this doesn’t mean that you should go ahead and order food every single day. Although, You might still find yourself struggling, even with all these awesome tips.

    Also, you might not feel like cooking for the day. You can order food and save yourself the struggle of making a meal. However, keep in mind that homemade food is healthier and more beneficial.

    In addition, there are several home cooks who make their living by cooking in bulk for people. Find one and make an order according to your needs.

    12.Swap out Crutches

    If the crutches you use give you a hard time managing, you can always resort to some other mobility-aid. If your injury allows you to use a Knee Scooter, it would be great for you to get one.

    You can have your hands free to cook and do what you need. You can also find a waist high stool and use it like a walker. This will eliminate pain underneath your arms and should be easier to maneuver.

    Make sure you ask your doctor before trying some other mobility-aid device, as it depends on your injury.

    Final Word

    Having to use crutches for movement makes our daily activities a little more difficult. Cooking although it may be fun and entertaining, it takes effort and crutches don’t make it any less demanding. Nonetheless, try to enjoy the process and cook simple, yet mouth-watering food.

    Here are a few great tips to help you adjust and manage your way around the situation. Remember to ask your doctor whether it’s safe for you to attempt cooking, or still wait until your injury gets better.